
Published on:

19th Apr 2022

#18 Silvio Bonaccio on ETH Zurich‘s “magic formula” for world class tech transfer

This episode is with Silvio Bonaccio, the Head of ETH transfer at ETH Zurich. Silvio is a chemist by training with an outstanding experience in technology transfer and years of industry expertise from Nestle. He is the kind of person not seeking to be in the spotlight although he deserves it way more than many others in the world of high-tech innovation. Silvio is humble, kind and lets facts speak. 

Since the ETH Zurich is a global leader in education, science and tech transfer, we dive deep into ETH’s magic formula and special ecosystem. A key ingredient is the incredible amount of smart people from all over the world. For Silvio technology transfer is “all about the people”.  

Another focus of this conversation is how to structure tech transfer deals. There is quite some debate what actually makes a deal spin-off and venture capital friendly. Silvio outlines ETH’s policy in detail and also stresses why expectation management is key.   


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Hightech Ventures
Talking about nerds
The Hightech Ventures podcast gives you the inside look at what it takes to create successful science-backed ventures. We truly want to understand the entire process from lab to IPO and hone in on the people involved - entrepreneurs, tech transfer specialists and investors - most of them working backstage, relentlessly. Anna-Lena and Thorsten talk to those getting their hands dirty, those who don't shy away from the complexity but see the opportunity to create lasting impact based on the newest advances in science and technology.