
Published on:

9th Aug 2021

#13 Fernando Gómez-Baquero on turning frustrated scientists into entrepreneurs

Fernando is the Director of Runway and Spinouts at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech. Located in a beautiful building on Roosevelt Island, New York City, he is on a challenging mission: find highly talented, yet highly frustrated researchers globally and support them in discovering their inner entrepreneur. He has built a program that serves as a runway for postdocs on their path towards a spin-off. The package includes significant funding, mentorship, a tailored MBA and even emotional support. Fernando can show today that the program delivers on its promise to build intellectual property, turn scientists into entrepreneurs and wipe away frustration.

We talk about what he sees in an empty lab and how this motivated him to dedicate his career to building startups. He also tells us the „dirty little secret“ of how he became the Director of Runway and Spinouts. His program is unique since it is tailored to a very specific target group. The uniqueness lies in its flexible support system, a carefully designed cohort of individuals in order to keep the pressure and emotional support high, plus an easy as well as transparent tech transfer deal. The conversation with Fernando is also fascinating because he is crystal-clear about his values and ambitions.

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About the Podcast

Hightech Ventures
Talking about nerds
The Hightech Ventures podcast gives you the inside look at what it takes to create successful science-backed ventures. We truly want to understand the entire process from lab to IPO and hone in on the people involved - entrepreneurs, tech transfer specialists and investors - most of them working backstage, relentlessly. Anna-Lena and Thorsten talk to those getting their hands dirty, those who don't shy away from the complexity but see the opportunity to create lasting impact based on the newest advances in science and technology.